This is the game jam version. An updated, final version is available on Google Play Store.

The browser version doesn't have working audio and I can't do anything to fix it. The windows version is recommended, but I'm still including the browser one for people without access to windows. The browser version might also work on mobile, but I'm making no promises, as I had no time to test it.

It’s hard to run a field hospital where beings of flame and water, the living and the undead, the adventurers and monsters all have to be treated side by side. When a patient can kill another with a sneeze, and there's not enough space to keep them apart, things can get chaotic.

My submission for Mini Jam 100. I have procrastinated way too much, so I stayed up late to actually finish the simplest version of the game. Hope you enjoy.

How to Play:
Creatures will appear outside your field hospital, with the oldest creature being displayed at the bottom of the screen. Click on any of the beds to place that creature there. After some time the creature will recover and leave.
While recovering, the creatures will sneeze every few seconds, spreading its elements to creatures in adjacent beds, killing them, if they are weak to that element.
When a creature is displayed at the bottom of the screen, you can see the elements it spreads displayed on a purple background, and ones that it is weak to, displayed on red background.
The game lasts for 3 minutes, and your goal is to minimize the death rate.


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